Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Faces of Blood Cancer - T-ALL


What was/is your diagnosis?

T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T- ALL).

How did you find out you were sick? What led to your diagnosis?

I was tired, coughing, and bruising. I thought maybe I had low iron. I went for a blood test. I found out when I went to see the hematologist. 

What were your first thoughts when diagnosed?

I was in shock...told the doctor I couldn't stay because I didn't have any pjs 🙂 but I was admitted right away.

What did your treatment consist of?

I did the debate Farber pediatric protocol

What is your current medical status? 

I've been in remission since November 2016, finished treatment in November 2018.

What was your life like before your diagnosis? 

Before cancer I was on the go all the time.

How is life different for you now post diagnosis?

Life after cancer my saying is “The mind is willing but sometimes the body isn't able.” which gets frustrating.  Still dealing with chemo brain though it gets less as time goes on.

Has your cancer diagnosis affected any of the relationships in your life? If so, how, and how are you managing them?

For relationships some people walked out of my life and some walked in. I don't blame those that walked out because maybe I would've done the same.

How has your cancer experience affected your body image, and your relationship to your body? 

I gained 80lbs and still have 60lbs on but I've come to accept that.

Based on your own experience, what advice would you give others that were diagnosed with the same type of blood cancer?

My piece of advice contact LLSC and get a peer supporter through their peer support program, it was a game changer for me. Having someone my own age to talk to that had the same diagnosis and received the same treatment as me.

Friday, September 22, 2023

The Faces of Blood Cancer - CML

Today is World CML Awareness Day. The theme this year is putting a spot light on CML. I cannot think of a better way to help spread awareness than to share this next story. 

I am very happy to introduce you to the beautiful and talented Cadence Grace. Her story is remarkable and you can read more on her blog Love and Leukemia.

OH! and if you like country music I highly recommend downloading her solo song I'm Not for only $0.99. I'm listening to it right now! Proceeds go to support The Canadian CML Network.

What was/is your diagnosis?

I was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) in 2018.

How did you find out you were sick? What led to your diagnosis?

I found out I had cancer during a routine physical to prepare for a month-long trip to Nicaragua where I was planning to complete yoga teacher training. Regular bloodwork showed my whites were elevated way beyond what would be expected even with a severe infection and my doctor immediately suspected leukemia. I was referred to the local cancer center for a bone marrow biopsy to determine the type of leukemia and a couple weeks later it was confirmed to be stage 1 CML.

What were your first thoughts when diagnosed?

Until we knew exactly what was happening, I was pretty terrified. Definitely when you googled leukemia the information was pretty scary. It was also a huge shock. I hadn’t been to a doctor in years before this appointment and felt like I was at the peak of my physical health, but pretty quickly a lot of things came in to focus that all seemed to suddenly make sense. I had been extra exhausted lately but with a full time job and yoga training I had just shrugged it off as burning the candle at both ends. I also had been experiencing night sweats and bleeding gums which I kept thinking was gingivitis or something. Lots of small things that didn’t seem connected until it all became really clear in the hindsight of the diagnosis.

Initially my diagnosis came with a really positive outlook. I was told I had won the lottery of cancers’ because CML was now so easy to treat. Basically I would just take medication every day that kept my cancer under control and if it worked I would live a pretty normal life otherwise. 

It was all quite scary and overwhelming but I really tried to believe that everything was going to work out the way they said. Unfortunately for me, I was one of the rare few who had a class intolerance to all of the medications that existed at the time for my treatment and it became apparent within a few months that my experience was going to look a lot different than most CMLers.

What did your treatment consist of?

Initially I was started on dasatinib (Sprycel) a TKI inhibitor which was supposed to control the mutated cancer cells from continuing to replicate. Unfortunately it affected my other blood cells as well to the point where it was lowering them to dangerous levels. We had to pause treatment multiple times to let them recover and each time we tried to lower the dose to find a sweet spot. But ultimately after a year of attempting to get the medication to work I still wasn’t event taking a dose large enough to control my cancer and I ultimately was told that I would need to have a life-saving stem cell transplant in order to survive.

In April of 2019 I underwent conditioning chemo for a week and then had an allogenic stem cell transplant. My recovery was extremely challenging.

I experienced acute and chronic Graft Vs Host Disease (GVHD) which is a form of transplant rejection that can affect any muscle, organ or tissue in your body. For over two years it traveled around my body from my guts to my skin, eyes, mouth, liver and genital tract.

In order to stay alive, I had to take high dose steroids which led me to gain a hundred pounds in less than 8 months and caused severe osteonecrosis in both hips ultimately leading to a double hip replacement.

I also experienced numerous infections including a drug resistant form of cytomegalovirus that nearly killed me and left me with severe kidney damage and chronic kidney disease. As a result of this infection, I developed Guillain-Barre syndrome, a condition that causes your body to attack its own nerves leading to temporary paralysis. I spent almost 7 weeks in the hospital learning to walk and write again and it took over a year to recover as fully as I’m going to. 

What is your current medical status?

Currently I am cancer free. While my experience with GVHD was awful, it’s one of the reasons I am cancer free. Following my transplant my cancer was still detectable, but GVHD Triggers a secondary process called Graft Vs Leukemia where in addition to attacking yourself, your body also attacks your cancer cells and ultimately my GVHD response was strong enough to also trigger Graft Vs Leukemia and kill the remaining cancer cells leaving me undetectable.

Based on your own experience, what advice would you give others that were diagnosed with the same type of blood cancer?

If you’ve been diagnosed with CML, the outlook is great. There are new drugs that have been approved since my diagnosis that likely would have allowed me to avoid a transplant had they existed then.

They’re even starting to work towards some people achieving treatment free remission which was previously something we didn’t think was possible.

There are so many options of TKI’s now that for most people you’ll find the right fit for you and live a mostly normal life.

If for some reason you feel like your treatment path doesn’t look like fellow CMLers and you’re starting to get worried, be honest with your doctors and ask for answers.

The best thing you can do is learn about your illness, learn about the testing, understand the tests and results so you can play an active role in your treatment and be able to ask questions of your team and understand why they’re doing what they’re doing.

What was your life like before your diagnosis?

Before being diagnosed I was at the peak of my life and health. I had recently been married and bought my first house. I was the lead singer of country group Runaway Angel and we had just returned from touring Europe and releasing our second record and it felt like around the corner all my biggest dreams were so close to coming true. It was incredibly painful and there was a lot of grief involved in having to hit pause on everything for four incredibly long years of the hardest experiences I’ve ever faced.

How is life different for you now post diagnosis?

My life is very different now. I’m still working at recovering from my double hip replacement and the Guillain-barre, which I have permanent nerve damage in my feet from. I lost a lot of strength and muscle which I’m working on trying to build back.

I suffer from severe PTSD which I’ve been doing extensive psychotherapy to work through… But it’s not all bad! Cancer really shifted my perspective on a lot of things. It made it clearer to me what really matters. It made me more compassionate and empathetic to the suffering of those around me. It made me patient, strong and taught me how to rely on myself. Keeping track of all of my appointments and medications made me a more responsible person.

I was also diagnosed with ADHD following my transplant and finally getting on medication and understanding how it affected my life has really shifted a lot of things for me and lifted a weight I had been unknowingly carrying alone for many years. It also made me recognize how much fear had been holding me back in my life before cancer. One of the first things I did when I recovered was buy a place in Nashville. Something I had regretted not doing when I was sick, and I knew I had to take the chance no matter how afraid I was because the taste of regret is something I never want to taste again.

Has your cancer diagnosis affected any of the relationships in your life? If so, how, and how are you managing them?

One of my biggest fears when I was diagnosed was losing my husband. We had been recently married and I was terrified that this experience would be too much for him. I think a lot of people would have walked away. Having to support me for nearly 4 years while running his own business and keeping our house running was an insane amount of work and dedication but he showed up like no one else. He had my back and never wavered and it was his strength that really set the bar for me to aim for. His strength kept me strong in my darkest moments and ultimately the experience brought us closer together than we were before. I am forever grateful that he stood by me.

In terms of my other relationships, cancer plus experiencing it during covid was extremely isolating. I had to experience so many significant things alone and work through so many things in my head. As my recovery stretched on, I started feeling awful continuing to put the weight of my struggles on friends and I started to turn inwards to deal with everything. This made me a very quiet and introverted person compared to the loud and extroverted person I was before and I’m still working on learning to talk to people again and find my voice and place in relationships after cancer.

How has your cancer experience affected your body image, and your relationship to your body?

In a lot of ways cancer disconnects you from your body. You lose all sense of shame. People are constantly poking, prodding, stabbing, cutting you. I lost my hair. I’ve had both hips replaced. I had to learn to walk again. I gained and lost 100 pounds. Every time I looked in the mirror it felt like I was looking at a stranger and even though I told myself it was all temporary it still feels like I’m trying to reclaim old parts of myself that seem like they might be gone forever. There’s a lot of anger and sadness about how much of myself was completely stripped away and how much work I’ve had to do to build it back and still have to do. In a lot of ways I still feel very disconnected from my body and am still working at rebuilding that connection.

What are some lifestyle changes you’ve made since your diagnosis?

Definitely because I experienced nearly complete paralysis, moving my body is something I just appreciate and treasure so much more than before. Just getting up and moving my body is something I need to do for my physical and mental health. It’s about more than weight and looks- it’s just something that feels good that I appreciate so much because I know what it feels like to not be able to move and how desperately I would have given anything then to move my body.

Because my body went through so much I feel like I value physical health so much more than I did before. Eating healthy food, getting exercise, but also taking the time to care for my mental health and spiritual wellness matters so much more to me than it did before.


Friday, September 15, 2023

The Faces of Blood Cancer - ALL

Not only is September blood cancer awareness month but it is also childhood cancer awareness month.

I'm very happy to introduce you to Amelia who was diagnosed with blood cancer when she was only 2 1/2 years old. 

Her Mom Veronica was nice enough to share only a small part of Amelia's cancer journey with me.

They continue to share updates and other stories as well as support organizations that were a great help to them such as LLSC and Candlelighter's by participating in Light the Night Walks and doing bottle drives and more.

You can check out her facebook page at Amelia's ALL.

The questions were answered by Amelia’s Mom.

What was/is your diagnosis?

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

How did you find out you were sick? What led to your diagnosis?

Canada Day weekend 2018 - we noticed our 2 1/2 year old daughter Amelia limping as she chased her older brothers around the campsite. As the weekend progressed, she walked less and less and so we immediately arranged a doctor visit upon our arrival back in town. The night before we brought her in she had a slight fever of 99 F that came and went with medication, and a little prickly purple rash on her legs. Then, when we were literally in the doctor’s waiting room, she looked up at me with blood oozing from her gums. 

Once the doctor heard the symptoms, she sent us straight to Janeway Emerge where we were shocked to learn all signs and tests were pointing towards blood cancer.

What were your first thoughts when diagnosed?

Shock. I couldn't believe this was happening. It was surreal. She was my youngest baby. My only girl. And what would I tell her brothers? How would we tell them? And that I had to pull it together because my husband already lost a cousin to the same condition and how must he feel... 

Amelia didn't understand of course and there were no words to say.

What did your treatment consist of?

Amelia was admitted and the next day we received confirmation that she had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.  We spent the next 2 weeks in the hospital with her, during which time she received 11 blood and platelet transfusions, started chemotherapy, underwent surgery to install the port in her chest through which she received most of her treatments and spent 5 days in ICU covered in wires due to complications.  Then she was discharged to continue the rest of her treatment as an outpatient through the Janeway’s Medical Daycare Unit. 

After the intensification period of her treatment was done, blood tests indicated there was no evidence of disease. Remission! The first hurdle - phase 1 of her treatment - was done!

 She still had several phases of her treatment protocol ahead of her and so for the next couple of years Amelia would receive chemotherapy via IV's, lumbar punctures and even orally at home in addition to steroids and antibiotics. During the first 5 phases, chemo was administered in hospital anywhere from once every 10 days to 4 out of 5 days and sometimes daily at home. In her last phase, which lasted from April 2019 until September 2020 she received chemo orally at home every day and once every 3 months via IV at the Janeway. 

It was intense! 

She finished her chemo in 2020 after 803 days of treatment and continues to be healthy. She is active and happy and finally went on her Wish Trip this year!

What was your life like before your diagnosis?

She was happy, vibrant, full of life. A regular toddler.

How is life different for you now post diagnosis?

We think every day how grateful we are to the hospital, to blood donors, everyone and every organization that has a hand in saving her. I still get to hold my baby, not everyone who hears "your child has cancer" does.

Based on your own experience, what advice would you give others that were diagnosed with the same type of blood cancer?

The conversations I had with other parents of childhood cancer patients and/or with survivors helped normalize what we were going through, which enabled me to be in a better frame of mind caring for her. Reach out to the hospital patents group, your local Candlelighters group or connect with a peer through the Leukemia and Lymphoma society of Canada peer support program. Even if it is via email. Even if you only go one time. Even if it is just one phonecall. I learned a lot from the parents we met through the hospital waiting rooms, Candlelighters and the LLSC. 

Treatment is 2-3 years, you don't have to feel alone.

If you look at the picture above you will see Amelia wearing a necklace of beads. Each bead represents a treatment or procedure such as a course of chemotherapy, hospital stays, blood work and many more. 

For more information on this program you can check out the webpage Beads of Courage Canada or visit their facebook page.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The Faces of Blood Cancer - MM

As stated on the Myeloma Canada website - 

Every day 11 Canadians are diagnosed with myeloma, yet in spite of it's growing prevalence, the disease remains relatively unknown. To date, there is no cure for myeloma, however advancements in research and treatment are enabling those impacted by myeloma to live better and longer lives than ever before. More research leading to new therapies or new combinations of therapies are required to find a cure.

I’d like to introduce you to Alyssa Dickey who was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma.

She is a patient advocate, is involved with Myeloma Canada and is part of the steering committee for the Health eMatters conference which helps empower cancer advocates.

You can check out her facebook page Myeloma in the Middle to learn more about her experiences with Multiple Myeloma.

Here is a bit of her story in her own words.

I share my story often, but especially in September. If it helps one person this month I know I have made a positive impact.

In 2010, when I was 32 years old I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma (mm for short). Multiple myeloma is the 2nd most common blood cancer, but many people (including me) have never heard of MM until we are diagnosed with it. So, when we talk about blood cancer awareness, with multiple myeloma there is still a lot of work to do!

Getting a cancer diagnosis at 32 was pretty shocking. But, at the same time, it was very validating. You see, I had been experiencing many symptoms and feeling like crap for several years. I kept making appointments with my family doctor and pushing for "specialists" but no one caught the cancer. 

Women, especially young women still face barriers in healthcare. I just didn't realize it at the time, and I hadn't found my voice yet to speak up for myself and demand answers.

Blood cancers like MM can cause general symptoms. I had fatigue, bone pain, infections, and night sweats which were all more readily explained by other things. As my health declined I knew there was something seriously wrong with me. When my heart was tachycardic and I was fainting from minimal exertion I started showing up at the ER. I was finally diagnosed when an ER doctor realized I was severely anemic and had an extremely elevated protein in my blood (hallmark symptoms of MM).

The scariest part of hearing I had multiple myeloma was also hearing there is no cure. From day one with cancer I knew I would be off and on treatment for the rest of my life, and that my life would be shortened by cancer.

Well, I am happy to say it's been nearly 14 years since I was diagnosed. I've had one relapse but have enjoyed two long periods of remission. After relapsing my treatments were more intensive, with multiple drugs, a salvage stem cell transplant, and then a few rounds of consolidation chemo followed by oral weekly chemo. This lasted for 3 years. I chose to stop my maintenance treatments and have maintained NED (no evidence of disease) for 2 years. With MM the standard care now is for continuous treatment, cycling through meds while we wait for a cure.

If I had to pick one thing that had a positive impact on my recovery I would say it is being active and staying active. Not only do I enjoy my gym routine, and sports like biking and skiing, but the physical and mental health benefits that come with it. Being diagnosed as a young adult I wasn't ready to give up so when the multiple Myeloma comes back my body will be ready.

Monday, September 4, 2023

The Faces of Blood Cancer - APL

According to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada’s webpage they are now showing there are 5 main types of blood cancer. There are 137 forms of blood cancer and related disorders that are grouped into one of these 5 types. 

I’d like to introduce you to my friend Michelle Burleigh who was diagnosed with a unique subtype of AML called Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL).

She is a patient advocate, working with several organizations, to help bring awareness to understanding patient experiences within the Canadian Healthcare system. You can check out her BLOG and I also highly recommend her BOOK

Here is a bit of her story in her own words.

If you had asked me who I was 6 years ago, I would have told you that I was a relentless, independent career woman who had lofty dreams that included luxury vacations, a big house with a pool and an ensuite bathroom jet tub. 

If you had come to know me then, you would have learned that I came from very humble beginnings and as a result, I pushed the boundaries of life in a way that allowed me to succeed beyond my own expectations.  What you also would have learned is that I suffered for it.   I didn’t sleep enough, I didn’t eat a proper nutritious diet and I wasn’t getting enough exercise, unless it involved late night dancing and gin.

You would have come to realize I was stressed out and suffered from extreme anxiety and, on paper, though I was doing well, my spirit was screaming.

I would have spoken with such great pride of my children, the superior education they were receiving and all the amazing activities they were a part of that I never got to be part of as a child.

I wouldn’t have told you about them being in school for 10 hours a day because of my work commitments or my lack of focus during the time we spent together because I was too busy checking email or thinking about our next move.  That is not to say I have a demanding employer.  In fact, they have been quite supportive over the years.  Rather, this was a result of having unrealistic expectations of myself.

I wouldn’t have told you that my families move to a quaint, small town outside of the GTA which was supposed to enrich our lives had turned out to be the single biggest stressor in my life because the time I began spending commuting was the time I used to spend in the gym. 

6 years ago, I was at my wits end.  

On December 8th, 2017 my world was flipped upside down.  After feeling generally unwell for a few weeks, and then experiencing some unusual bruising, I took myself to my local emergency room for assessment. 

After having blood drawn, the doctor returned to the room and asked me how old my daughters were.  I knew I was in trouble. 

I was diagnosed with Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia that day and told I would have to go to a cancer centre immediately to begin treatment.  My first thought was, ‘People don’t come back from leukemia.  I am going to die’.

After my first bone marrow biopsy, I was told that my bone marrow as comprised of 90% leukemia cells, and had I not gone to the hospital when I did, I would likely have sustained a brain bleed that would have ended my life within 24 hours.

When my oncologist came into my hospital room and explained the game plan to me, my jaw hit the floor.  My treatment plan consisted of 2 different IV chemotherapies and several supporting oral medications.  The thought of what I was about to go through was almost too much to bare.  I was in shock, I was heartbroken for my family and I was terrified for my life.

The 22 days I spent in hospital, and the following 4 months of nearly daily treatment as an outpatient, was the single most difficult challenge I’ve ever experienced.  I felt like I had been stripped almost down to nothing.  I wasn’t the independent woman I had always been, and I felt powerless. 

A previous control junkie to manage my hectic and stressful life, and I had no control over anything.  Except one thing.  My attitude.  I relentlessly fought my leukemia with the phenomenal help of my medical team at Juravinski Hospital in Hamilton. 

I achieved full molecular remission in March 2018.

If you were to ask me who I am today, I would tell you that I am not the same person I was 6 years ago.  My battle with cancer has changed my life and the lives of my family forever. 

Having been forced to live every day fighting to win THAT day has taught me to be in the present.  Beyond that, it has taught me to appreciate the present.  I see the world around me from a very different perspective.  The sky is a little bluer, the leaves on the trees are a little greener and the fiery fall mums remind us of the coming cold.  I feel calm in my mind and in my body that is a result of no longer worrying about tomorrow.  

I live by the practice of doing everything I can that I would regret if I didn’t, no matter how afraid or embarrassed I may be, and I am teaching my children to do the same. 

I see people who are still caught up in the rush.  Disconnected from everything around them and even themselves and I feel for them.  Rather than feeling angry that the car in front of me is moving too slowly or the person at the counter in front of me is taking too long, I feel patience.

I experienced a renewed passion for helping people, which is why I launched my website,, where I have blogged about my experiences with cancer, shared the stories of other blood cancer survivors and share information I hope will help people navigate a little easier or at least help them feel less alone through their own journey.

I also began utilizing my decades of business experience coupled with my lived experience as a patient to start affecting positive change within our Canadian Healthcare system, by working with several organizations to help them better understand the patient experience and where gaps in processes create unnecessary challenges during already difficult times for people and their families.

Maybe the most important lesson I’ve learned is that life is not perfect, it is not a straight path to success and the meaning of success is different for everyone.  I’ve learned that the important part for me is to surround myself with people who love me and support me and will enjoy the journey with me. 

Twenty years ago, a leukemia diagnosis was practically a death sentence.  Though my treatment course was a total of 26 months, I was given a new lease on life with a fresh set of eyes. 

To everyone who is going through a similar horrific experience, you are not alone.  Know that how you spend every ounce of your energy matters and so you can choose to use it in any way you see fit.  Be ruthless with it.  And always, always remember that you are your best advocate.

Friday, September 1, 2023

The Faces of Blood Cancer - CLL

Not only is today the start of blood cancer awareness month but it is also World CLL Awareness Day. 

I am pleased to introduce you to Dr. Brian Koffman. Not only is he a Dr. but he was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) in 2005. 

He has a widely followed BLOG and is the co-founder and chief medical director of the CLL Society.

Let's learn a bit more about his personal experience with CLL.

How did you find out you were sick? What led to your diagnosis?

I noticed when I was showering or brushing my hair that I had some lumps at the back of my neck. I wasn't too concerned as I thought they were just cysts, but they didn't go away. Months later I ordered some bloodwork on myself.  

What were your first thoughts when diagnosed?

The next big shock, after my diagnosis, was to find out my cancer was incurable and at the time there were limited treatments available to even prolong my life. Further more, it was incredibly surprising to learn the default approach for many patients diagnosed with CLL whose disease is not aggressive was - and still is - to "watch and wait" instead of beginning treatment immediately. 

What did your treatment consist of?

A year after my diagnosis I was in a world of trouble with single digit platelets from a rare and in my case, difficult to treat autoimmune complication (immune thrombocytopenic purpura (IPT). That resulted in multiple hospitalizations, an urgent splenectomy, and massive internal bleeding. IPT tried to kill me several times, came close, and I know how lucky I am to be alive.   

The IPT and the fear of it raging again drove my decision to get a first remission hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT or bone marrow transplant) that quickly failed. My subsequent jump into two phase 1 clinical trials saved my life. 

Both gave me years of deep and wonderful remissions. My fear of recurrent IPT is my primary driver to treat it early again. After beating the odds with a 5 1/2  year remission with CAR-T, my CLL is demanding my attention again.

What is your current medical status?

I have just recently started into a new clinical trial. Let me start by saying this is my personal decision, relevant to my circumstances, and not likely applicable to anyone else.

In most cases, the decision about when to treat CLL is usually just that, a decision. iwCLL has clear guidelines for when treatment is indicated.

There are advantages to staring some therapies earlier when the disease burden is low. With some therapies, this can mean both higher efficacy and lower risk of adverse events when the cancer is being rapidly killed, especially early in the treatment.

Some treatment options, especially those in trials, may have narrow windows of accessibility, and when a slot is available, it may force a quicker move than planned.

But the real impetus behind my decision to treat now is that I am not waiting for my blood counts to fall. I know that when my platelets fall, they fall off a cliff. In the past, my lymphocyte counts were only slightly elevated when my platelet count fell dangerously low. My other blood cell counts were all perfectly normal at the time. My IPT doesn't send me a notice that it's in its way.

Today my absolute lymphocyte count is only 3.8, barely above normal, and only about 1/4 of those are monoclonal chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells. This is a very low number, but I know it's doubling every 2-3 months for a long time with no signs of slowing down because I have been following it closely with testing.

I am not waiting. MY CLL is coming back. It's not if I'll need therapy; it's when. With my CLL's return, it carries the risk of reawakening my IPT.

Based on your own experience, what advice would you give others that were diagnosed with the same type of blood cancer? 

Waiting and postponing therapy is often the very best option. Everyone's case is unique. The only universal is that nearly always the timing of when to start treatment for CLL should be carefully considered shared medical decision between patient and the healthcare provider.

Stay strong; we are all in this together.

*Please note that as of this posting Brian is currently undergoing treatment again in a clinical trial and is not feeling well. The information above was taken, with permission, from his personal blog. To learn more please follow along on his blog.

Thursday, August 31, 2023

The Faces of Blood Cancer

This year, for the month of September, I’m looking forward to sharing and highlighting some amazing people and their personal stories! 

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Pick Up a Good Book


Whether you call it an autobiography or a memoir most people when hearing this can probably think of someone that has written one. Usually this will be a celebrity of some sort. Whether an actor/actress or an athlete.

An autobiography's main focus is presenting the facts and historical context of a subjects life. The view is usually quite broad. Where as a memoir is more focused on the author's feelings and personal experiences of events.

Which ever description you use putting yourself out there can be intimidating. Maybe as a celebrity it isn't so scary as they are used to being the focus of many tabloids, etc. But, for the average person it can be a whole different experience, especially when dealing with a very personal event in ones life.

I believe that sharing your personal story can be emotionally healing but also very educational for others reading it.

I’d like to share a few books that I’ve read. In my opinion these books tip the emotional scale. They are raw, emotional and very personal.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

National Blood Donor Week is June 11-17


According to Canadian Blood Services they are looking to fill over 150,000 appointments across the country for blood and plasma donations. You must be at least 17 to donate.

Someone with cancer may need a blood transfusion for different reasons.

Cancers that involve the bone marrow, such as leukemia, can affect how blood cells are made and mature. This can lead to low blood cell counts.

Other cancers, such as digestive tract cancers, can cause bleeding that can lead to anemia.

Cancers that affect organs that help maintain blood levels, such as the kidney or spleen, can also affect blood counts.

Cancer treatments, including many chemotherapy drugs, can affect blood cells in the bone marrow and cause low blood cell counts. Radiation therapy given to a large part of the skeleton or to the pelvic bones can affect the bone marrow and lead to lower blood cell counts.

People who have a stem cell transplant receive large doses of chemotherapy, radiation therapy or both. These treatments destroy the blood making cells in the bone marrow. These people commonly have very low blood cell counts for 10-20 days after the transplant and may need transfusions of blood products.

Blood transfusion may also be used to treat - 

  • a sudden loss of blood during or after surgery
  • a low hemoglobin level before, during or after surgery
  • sever heart or lung disease
  • diseases that affect blood cell production suck as sickle cell anemia and aplastic anemia

If you are between the ages of 17-35 and are in good health, you can also register as a stem cell donor.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

February 28th is Rare Disease Day


Over 6000 rare diseases are characterised by a broad diversity of disorders and symptoms that vary not only from disease to disease but also from patient to patient suffering from the same disease.

72% of the diseases are genetic and almost 1 out of 5 cancers is rare.

Relatively common symptoms can hide underlying rare diseases leading to misdiagnosis and delaying treatment. 

Quintessentially disabling, the patients quality of life is affected by the lack or loss of autonomy due to the chronic, progressive, degenerative, and frequently life-threatening aspects of the disease.

The fact that there are often no existing effective cures adds to the high level of pain and suffering endured by patients and their families.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

What is a Cancerversary?

A Cancerversary is an important date regarding a person's fight against cancer

A cancerversary is a date that represents a milestone in regards to a person's battle with cancer. It may be when a person was diagnosed, started a new treatment, found out that their cancer was in remission, or had their last treatment.
The term comes from the combination of "cancer" and "anniversary." It gained popularity in the mid-2010s as people began to more publicly celebrate the victories and defeats that come with battling cancer, especially on social media.
Most people that have not had cancer or experienced a loved one getting cancer will probably not be familiar with the term. However, it is typically a big deal for the person battling it because it represents a moment that forever changed their lives.
Loved ones usually celebrate cancerversaries in a way that is appropriate for the milestone. For example, a cancer survivor's family and/or friends may go out to dinner to celebrate the cancerversary of the person's last treatment much the same way as a wedding anniversary or birthday. Or a person may take time to reflect on the cancerversary on which they were diagnosed to appreciate how it has changed them, for better and for worse.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

World Cancer Day


According to the World Health Organization, Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide.  The Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) was established in 1993. Based in Geneva, it is a membership-based society working towards the eradication of cancer around the world and advancing medical research. Under its direction, the first International Cancer Day was celebrated in Geneva, Switzerland in the same year. Several well-known organizations, cancer societies, and treatment centers also supported this initiative.

World Cancer Day was made official at the first World Summit Against Cancer in 2000. The event took place in Paris and was attended by members of cancer organizations and prominent government leaders from around the world. A document titled the ‘Charter of Paris Against Cancer,’ featuring 10 articles, was signed, outlining a global commitment to improving the facilitation and quality of life of cancer patients. Advancement and increased investment in researching, preventing, and treating cancer was also highlighted. Article X of this charter officially declared World Cancer Day to be observed on February 4.

Cancer has numerous types, so there are various colors and symbols used to mark a specific type of cancer and promote the fight against it. As a symbol of hope for patients and survivors, the daffodil flower is used by the American Cancer Society for a future where this life-threatening disease no longer exists. 

On this day, hundreds of events and fundraisers take place around the world each year, to bring individuals, communities, and organizations together in hospitals, schools, businesses, markets, community halls, parks, etc. to campaign and deliver the powerful reminder that those hit by cancer are not alone, and we all share a responsibility in reducing the global impact of this disease.